Picture of a young family on a road trip.

Saving Lives

We work to reduce the number of traffic fatalities and injuries.

Fighting Distracted Driving

We educate Virginia drivers about the ban on holding a personal communications device while driving.

Educating Teens

Our outreach programs help new drivers develop safe driving habits.

Encouraging Safety Belt Use

Roughly 15% of Virginia drivers don’t buckle-up. We educate drivers about the importance of safety belt use.

Promoting Workplace Safety

We help businesses foster a culture of safety.

Creating Safety Campaigns

We develop and produce traffic safety campaigns that we distribute across the Commonwealth.

Deterring Impaired Driving

Who's Your Driver?

DRIVE SMART Virginia is a non-profit organization charged with raising awareness and changing behavior in order to improve the safety of the roadways of the Commonwealth. We have endeavored to improve the lives of all Virginians through our public information and education initiatives. Founded in 1995, the organization is led by a diverse board representing safety advocates, the insurance industry and law enforcement.

Virginia Partners for Safe Driving

Join with other businesses, organizations, and state agencies and be a part of the Virginia Partners for Safe Driving initiative membership is FREE! Our mission is to raise awareness about the importance of safe driving, including distraction-free driving; sharing the road; fleet safety; vulnerable road users; and sober driving through various strategies in order to prevent crashes and injuries on Virginia roadways.

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Buckle Up. Every Trip. Every Time.

NHTSA has estimated that, when used, lap/shoulder seat belts reduce the risk of fatal injury to front-seat passenger car occupants by 45 percent and the risk of moderate-to-critical injury by 50 percent.

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Designate Before You Celebrate

Designate before you celebrate.

Don’t let your team down. Pass those keys to your designated sober driver. A DUI is a game-changing fumble. It can follow you for years and cost thousands of dollars. Plan ahead for a safe ride home before kickoff.

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Virginia Partners for Safe Driving

Help us make Virginia’s roadways safer! Join with other businesses, organizations, and state agencies in the Virginia Partners for Safe Driving initiative. Partner with us to promote traffic safety messaging, campaigns, and materials to your native audience and employees.

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Order FREE Traffic Safety Campaign Items From Our Online Store

Our traffic safety campaign brochures, posters, and other items are free for Virginia residents. Even shipping is free!

Online Store

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