Press Releases
Launch of New Distracted Driving Coalition
For Immediate Release: September 15, 2021
Contact: Janet Brooking- 804-929-6117
Virginia Beach – On Thursday, September 16, National Transportation Safety Board Vice Chairman Bruce Landsberg will officially launch the National Distracted Driving Coalition, the first coalition specifically formed to address the growing epidemic of distracted driving. DRIVE SMART Virginia is proud to serve on the steering committee and to have contributed to the development of the group’s National Action Plan.
Established as a diverse group of organizations from the public and private sector, law enforcement, and non-profits, the coalition will bring a holistic and novel approach to the fight against distracted driving. The National Action Plan and initial priorities to accelerate national efforts to curb distracted driving will be unveiled at this launch.
Vice Chairman Landsberg will be joined by steering committee members and families who have been affected by distracted driving tragedies. Crashes have been rising in the U.S. since 2019 at an unprecedented pace. The National Distracted Driving Coalition’s mission is, “To promote innovative and collaborative approaches to create a culture of attentive drivers and to serve as a central clearing house for diverse stakeholders.” The coalition’s vision is, “To accelerate national efforts to implement short– and long-term interventions that will promote attentive driving and eliminate distracted driving fatalities and injuries.”
WHO: Vice Chairman Bruce Landsberg (NTSB), Janet Brooking (DRIVESMART Virginia), Jennifer Smith (, John Carson (George State Representative) and Steve Kiefer (The Kiefer Foundation).
Other coalition members available for comment: Tasha Hairston Springs (Survivor – Texting is Risky Business), David Braunstein (Together for Safer Roads), Dianne Szwed (Republic Services), Charlie Klauer (Virginia Tech Transportation Institute), Daniel Sharp (International Association of the Chiefs of Police)
WHAT: The launch event will announce the National Distracted Driving Coalition and its national action plan to eliminate distracted driving on our nation’s roadways.
WHEN: Thursday, Sept. 16 – 12:00 – 1:00 p.m. ET
WHERE: Marriott Virginia Beach, Goodman Room, 4201 Atlantic Ave, Virginia Beach, Virginia 23451
DRIVE SMART Virginia is a nonprofit organization charged with raising awareness and changing driver behavior in order to improve the safety of the roadways of the Commonwealth. We work to improve the lives of all Virginians through our public information and education initiatives. Founded in 1995, the organization is led by a diverse board representing safety advocates, the insurance industry and law enforcement, among others. Our mission is advanced by fostering community partnerships, creating educational campaigns, designing and distributing educational materials, making presentations, attending outreach events, and advocating for traffic safety initiatives. Learn more about DRIVE SMART Virginia by visiting