Join DRIVE SMART Virginia as a Partner
Partner. What does that word mean in the context of a traffic safey non-profit and a campaign to end distracted driving? Throughout the year we reach out to businesses, government agencies, schools and law enforcement agencies in an effort to educate Virginia residents about the dangers of distracted driving. Our “ask” is for anyone and everyone to order some of our materials and then distribute them to groups they reach. ORDER 2013 MATERIALS HERE When police go into schools, we hope they take some posters and brochures. When you walk into a business office we love to see brochures on the desk of the receptionist, or even better in the break room. Many companies have a monthly safety meeting, April is a good time to talk about distracted driving and hand out our brochures. During the past 8 years that we’ve worked to end distracted driving, we’re reached hundreds of thousands of residents with a safety messge. But there’s more work to do, more people to reach. So, we’re asking you to help us. First, order enough brochures for the people in your office. Order a few posters for a break room. Then, put the brochures in the hands of your colleagues. During the appropriate time, talk about distracted driving and why it’s so dangerous. If you encourage your office family to share the message, we can double the number of people we reach with the traffic safety message. So, to answer my own question, “partner means alot, it means together, we might save a life with fewer distracted drivers.” Thank you for your help.