Safety Videos
Virginia Farm Bureau and DRIVE SMART Virginia have teamed up to produce videos which promote safe driving in Virginia. By viewing these videos you’ll learn about important traffic safety measures such as the dangers of distracted driving, the importance of safety belt use, the dangers of drinking and driving, and why drivers need to share the road with bicyclists and pedestrians.
Click below to watch our safety videos.
Bike Walk Virginia
In this last video in our series with Bike Walk Virginia, Dr. Kim Perry discusses the rules of the road for motorists, pedestrians and cyclists.
Bike Walk Virginia
With warmer weather heading to Virginia, more and more bicyclists and pedestrians are on the roadways. In this second video in our series with Bike Walk Virginia, Dr. Kim Perry gives examples of safe and dangerous behaviors.
Colonel Steve Flaherty and the ‘Move Over’ Law
Colonel Steve Flaherty with the Virginia State Police explains the ‘Move Over’ Law and the recent changes to it.
Colonel Steve Flaherty
Colonel Steve Flaherty with the Virginia State Police shares information on enforcement and educational programs in which his department participates to keep Virginians safe on the roadways.
Bicyclist and Pedestrian Awareness Week
In preparation for Bicyclist and Pedestrian Awareness Week taking place Sept. 12-18, Dr. Kimberly Perry of BikeWalk Virginia offers safety tips for motorists, bicyclists and pedestrians.
Tie One On For Safety
In this video, Executive Director of MADD Virginia, Chris Konschak, discusses the dangers of drinking and driving and explains MADD’s Tie One On For Safety campaign, promoting Americans to “Drive Safe, Sober And Buckled Up.
Workzone Safety
Highway work zone areas are not only dangerous for the workers, but also for drivers. David Rush, Program Manager for the Traffic Engineering Division at VDOT explains that 4 out of 5 fatalities occurring in work zones involve drivers and passengers. Learn some tips on staying safe the next time you travel through a work zone.
Childseat Safety
Corri Miller Hobbs with Safe Kids discusses buckling up the right way for all family members.
2010 Teen2Teen Video Winner
The award winning video of the 2010 Teen2Teen Video contest.