Sign The Pledge

Drunk driving kills hundreds of people on Virginia roadways every year. Many of those killed are innocent victims of someone’s poor and selfish decisions. Take a stand by asking yourself the question, “Who’s Your Driver,” and sign this pledge to commit yourself to safe and sober driving in Virginia.

Who's Your Driver Pledge
, pledge to lead the way by...
• Taking my role as driver seriously.
• Committing to staying sober when I’m behind the wheel.
• Thinking of the lives of others on the road.
• Asking a friend or family member for a sober drive home OR
• Calling a cab or transportation service provider.
• Learning more about how drunk driving can harm me and others.
• Making sure loved ones know the dangers of drunk driving.
• Buckling up. Every trip. Every time.
By submitting, you agree to be included on the pledge list (your email address will not be shown) and receive more information on Who's Your Driver and safe driving tips.

Thank you to the following people for their pledge

Nicole Atkins
Nicole Atkins
Lindsay Grant
George W. Bishop IV
Richmond, VA
Tony Scida
Janet Brooking
Sharif Ewees
Kristin Smolenski
Louisa, VA